About the System

What does this system do?

The profitability of every Job depends on juggling a truck load of details (information). All of it needs to be managed, organized, scheduled, and communicated.

Whether you do a large number of smaller Jobs or only a handful of larger Jobs, a lot of information needs to be managed along the way.

Better information management means happier customers, happier employees, and more profitable Jobs. More profitable Jobs add up to a more profitable business.

This system helps you and the people in your company manage, organize, schedule, and communicate a wide variety of information. Not only that, you can access your information from many different locations (using the internet).

Why does it work?

Think about it. What do these have in common?

  • Mistakes
  • Miscommunication
  • Cost overruns
  • Missed deadlines
  • Working from incomplete / wrong information
  • Upset clients
  • Pissed off workers
  • Employee turnover
  • Too much or too little business
  • Stress

ALL these pains can be reduced, and even eliminated. How? By putting systems in place.

Systems are the answer because they help manage efficiently, predictably, and reliably. They cost money to develop, implement, and keep running - but not having them costs WAY more.

However, you do not need to develop your own systems from scratch. This system has already been developed for you. All you need to do is learn to use it and make it work for you.

Think of this system as a set of Power tools that help you, and the people in your company, organize, schedule, and communicate a wide variety of information — and do it all efficiently, predictably, and reliably - all you have to do is learn to use them (just like any other tool).

This user-friendly web-based system is designed to meet the needs of small, medium, and even larger businesses.

This system helps you manage, grow, (and even sell) your business.

To learn more about the advantages of systems, Click here...

How does it do it?

The system is accessed through the internet so you and the people in your company can access information from many different locations.

With a web-based system, the computer headaches are gone. It's like having your own team of computer technology professionals to keep your systems running properly - at A FRACTION OF THE COST.

Web-based systems offer an entirely different level of service over regular software. A lot of work is done behind the scenes and that makes it easier for you to learn and use it.

Learn more about the advantages of a web based system.

What makes this system unique?

This system is:

  • Web based - that means you and your coworkers are able to access and update important information using any computer with an internet connection.
  • Designed specifically for contractors, construction-related businesses, and the people who work for them.
  • Designed to keep track of a wide variety of Job information
  • Easy to use - if you can surf the internet you already have a good strong start
  • Updated several times per year and new features are added automatically so you'll always be using the latest, greatest version
  • Managed by an experienced technical team — so you don't have to worry about the technical stuff - it's taken care of for you.

Who uses the system?

This system is used by a wide variety of super sharp and very good looking people including:

  • general contractors
  • sub trades (high volume and low volume)
  • home builders
  • renovators
  • designers
  • service professionals

Users range all the way from one-person sole proprietors to businesses with many millions in revenue.

Check out what some of our customers have to say.

Who will this system NOT work for?

This system is NOT for:

  • companies that are not willing to make changes to improve
  • people that want to keep managing information "in their heads"
  • businesses that already have all their own systems in place and run smoothly

Is there any help or training?

Training time is up to you! Everyone learns differently, and at a different rate. Our system has been designed so it is easy to "learn-as-you-go."

There is a wide variety of free help and training such as:

  • "Learn about" help on every screen
  • "How to" videos that show how to use specific features or how to use a combination of features to improve the things you already do
  • Frequently asked questions
  • e-mail support when you need it

Contact us if you have special training requirements.

How is my information protected?

Financial institutions, the military, large corporations, and governments all use technology based systems. The fact is, even their systems go down from time to time — and they spend billions on them.

From the day this system was launched it has been "up" more than 99.9% of the time. It is run from a secure, state-of-the-art facility with highly trained staff, quality hardware, and data is backed up off site. To learn more, click here.

There are regulations governing the privacy of information in many countries, including the US and Canada.

To read more about privacy in the US, have a look at the US Patriot Act.

To read more about Canada's Privacy Act.

Thanks to lawyers, we have a comprehensive but insanely boring privacy policy. If you need a good snooze, click Privacy Policy at the bottom of any page. Or... even print it out for some good bathroom reading.

Is the system guaranteed?

We want you as a lifelong customer and if you decide this system is not for you, you'll miss out on our twisted sense of humor and all the powerful new features that keep on coming - but hey, it's a free country.

But yes, it's guaranteed:

  • If you are not totally satisfied within the first 30 days, just let us know, and we'll refund your entire subscription (reluctantly, but we'll do it).
  • If you pay monthly, you can cancel at anytime, no penalties, no hard feelings (but we hope you feel guilty for leaving).
  • If you signed up for a year or more, then you've already received a hefty discount because we planned for you to be around for a while (in fact, we were counting on it so we had a party). One year contracts help plan to make sure we have the computers, equipment, bandwidth, and overall capacity to serve your account. So no refunds are offered on one year terms but you can give away, transfer, or sell the unused portion of your term.